Thanks For Another Fun Year!

Our 2014 haunt was a great success for us thanks to our wonderful fans! We estimate that we had about 3,000 visitors again this year. Many people had to wait in line up to an hour for the chance to go through our guided walk-through. Their patience and enthusiasm was heartwarming, even if their toes were a little cold! To show our gratitude, we worked hard to provide a great experience for everyone and we feel very good about our efforts. Each year we learn new things about our haunt and our visitors and we try to make it the best it can be! We look forward to making 2015 our best year yet!

The number of visitors to our walk-through seems to be limited only by our capacity to move people through. We know a lot of folks just couldn’t wait in line that long. We will look at ways to improve that, but at the same time, we don’t want to compromise the quality of the experience. It’s somewhat of a balancing act! Even if they couldn’t wait in line, we know many more people stopped by to enjoy our projection display and we want to extend our thanks to them too.

Many people ask why we don’t charge admission, but the purpose of this haunt is to provide memorable experiences for our family and others and you have helped us suceed beyond our wildest expectations. That is worth more to us than any amount of money!

2014 Halloween House Projection Display

Check out our new house projection for 2014! This year’s show features some mind bending animations, original songs and lots of friends and neighbors cast as zombies! Of course, we will understand if you’d rather come see it in person!

Zombies Wanted!

Anyone who would like to star in our Halloween projection video for this year, please come to our house at 9:00 am on Saturday 9/13! We want to create a zombie apocalypse on our street! Come dressed like a zombie. (Please, nothing “R” rated. This is a family production!) We will have makeup on hand if you don’t have any. We are looking for zombies of all ages, so parents and grandparents are invited too! Use the map on our site to find us.

New Halloween Song For 2014 – The Zombie Shuffle

This is an original Halloween song that I wrote and recorded. It is kind of a sneak peak into our house projection for 2014! We plan on getting the neighborhood involved and creating a zombie apocalypse on our street! We will shoot video and use it to go along with the music.